Welcome to the online conference:



When we think about climate change, what first springs to mind is probably carbon emissions, extreme weather, draughts, floods, and melting icebergs. But climate change is just as much about time and timescales, pace and acceleration: Climate scientists incorporate lessons from the geological past in modeling possible future climates, politicians are coping with questions of how to make future societies resilient, and environmentalists are calling for immediate action.

Climate change challenges established human understandings of time. Macro-scales such as geological time and historical time become entangled, but just as important is the way changes in climate affect everyday life reasoning, based in personal experiences and immediacy. Climate change also interferes with family life, turning hopes and dreams for the future of “our children” into fear and worries.

This conference will approach how the wide range of more or less entangled temporalities of a changing climate are narrated, represented or expressed through performances and practices.

Climate Change Temporalities is an online conference on humanistic approaches to climate change. It is organized by the research project “The Future is Now” and hosted by the University of Bergen, Norway. The conference is funded by The Research Council of Norway‘s KLIMAFORSK – Large-scale Programme on Climate Research.

The conference takes place online, August 11-13, 2021.

All pages directing to the online conference rooms are password protected and only accessible to registered conference attendants, who have received access information via e-mail.

The conference is not open to the general public, due to the interactive limitations of a Zoom seminar room and our wish to make the conference a networking opportunity for the speaking participants.